Liquid diets and Meal Replacements
First let me say that one bottle of Ensure Plus has only 1 gram of Fiber, while at the same time says it has 16 grams of Protein. The protein comes from whey and most of the other ingredients are difficult to pronounce and are not “foods”. SlimFast, is a little better at 20 grams of Protein and 5 grams of Fiber. SlimFast shakes contain mono and diglycerides, cellulose gum, gum arabic, cellulose gel and soy lecithin. The protein comes from soy and whey.
I point this out because Fiber is the key and while these drinks (shakes, smoothies, etc) are supposed to replace a meal they fall very short of doing that. Some have ingredients that are truly not good for you.
In short, liquid diets are not for a person who is trying to lose weight. These are used to sustain people who are unable to process real food for some reason, like an injured jaw, recovering from surgery, preparing for surgery, or something like this.
Does it work to lose weight though? Of course you would lose weight on a liquid diet. You would also risk a collapsed colon. Is it healthy? No, it is not.
Personally, drinking one 8 ounce glass of anything would not be enough to consist of a ‘meal’ in my mind. How am I supposed to follow the rule of chewing each bite 27 times if the whole meal was liquid? Heh heh. So meal replacement liquids are out off the table for me, not even worth consideration.
