Okay. I am a packrat through and through. Looking around my post pandemic hoard I decided emphatically to purge and donate. I sorted through my closet and I was brutal putting even some of my favorites in bags to go away for donation. I went through my books and put those in bags too. I did not stop there. I packed up other goodies and 'stuff'. Jules took all those bags and boxes over to St. Vincent's and they said no thanks, we only take things that are new (practically what they said) and we don't take books. What ?? !! ?? So he took them to a thrift store called Thriftology and they said they aren't taking donations. What ?? !! ??
My purge has halted with a loud screech of my wheels. What's a poor gal to do? I refuse to toss these things in the garbage to go to the dump and be crushed and rained on and treated like....well....like garbage. <sigh>
So my brilliant plan to tag all those ITEMS I have created, box them, and donate them with the hope that whoever sees them in the second-hand store will notice the tag and check me out online, especially if they would like another ITEM of my own creation, is kaput. Oh my my. What's a poor gal to do?
I need to purge but I am in a dilemma. What would you do?
