Update: I wanted to add this link here about fiber because I have been doing lots of research on the topic and I've been sticking to the FPL plan. Even the CDC is on board https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/library/features/role-of-fiber.html
I am embarking on a journey to find out if Fiber is the cure-all it is being touted to be. Will it lower blood glucose numbers? Will it lower the bad cholesterol numbers? Will it lower your blood pressure? Will it lower the number on your scale? (In other words will it bring about weight loss). The folks at the Ardmore Institute of Health certainly say so.
Totally free program online if you are interested in checking it out for yourself. Be prepared to change your diet and to move around more. Here's a link to their website:
I'll be honest and tell you I am struggling with it. But I am determined (and I can be quite stubborn) to give it a serious try for 3 months. I will post updates here letting you know how it's going and if I actually see the number drop like they say I will. I'm skeptical.
5/24 Update- I'm still doing it. Admittedly it's hard for me. I feel like I have given up so many things before starting this and now having to give up even more I feel deprived. It seems ever so unfair to me. Yet I am still going after it. I intend to stick to this plan, this diet, this lifestyle makeover until I see my doctor again and have new lab results. I want to know if the numbers really have changed. My goal right now is to get my A1c down. If this plan does that then I will try to stick with it for the long term. I am learning new meal plans, new recipes, and new ways to cook healthier.
Rule number 1 is what they call the apple challenge, where you eat an apple 15 minutes before lunch and again before dinner. I did do that but I found it was causing me some digestive stress. They said if that happens then try a pear instead. I switched to pears and I've been doing okay with that. The purpose is to put 'fiber' in your stomach before your meal so that you will feel full sooner and stay full longer, which in turn will help to keep you from eating more than you should. Plus the fiber will help keep your blood glucose level.
